A photo of four photographs framed in white frames against a white wall at Art Basel Miami. Each photograph is composed of two similar photographs of landscapes with hand-etched text around the edges of the photo.

Broadway Gallery booth exhibition at Art Basel Miami, 2021

Flesh and Ghost

This series of diptychs continues the process of etching text onto photographs as began in The Land Describes itself. The text in this series comes from the poems The Island Weights and Hello, Trouble. Larger in scale than The Breathings, these portray landscapes and people from various locations, continuing the ways movement and wandering can be seen as directions of inscription and prayer, drawing from the Ho-Chunk story of the Twins–Flesh and Ghost.

These photographs were taken on analog medium format and 35mm cameras and a rotary tool was used to etch and scrape text along the borders of the inkjet prints.

An image of two similar photographs of a crowd against a blue sky flipped on the vertical axis with hand-etched text in the upper left-hand corners of each individual photograph.

I’m tired of being temporary, I’m tired of an eventually, I heard you singing last night on the bank up the mountain on the cliff facing west. The oldest of us is in the east and they’re tired too.
inkjet with hand scratched text and uv laminate, framed
60 x 30 inches

A framed image of two photographs side by side, both depiciting a lake at sunset with a canoer pictured in the photo on the left. Text is etched on the right hand side of the photograph on the right side.

Drop your prayers again, and look down into the window of the earth and you say, “Ah how dark you are, Hikiwárekega. Come out so I can go home.” The window stays quiet.
inkjet with hand scratched text and uv laminate, framed
20 x 60 inches

Death on the tracks across the river and you stood in the falls, falls from another time all dried up and smooth walls cleaned by the gentle stroke of eons and ages and ancestors. Verdancy and violence hum under everything here. Yet not you, tenderly.
inkjet with hand scratched text and uv laminate, framed
60 x 30 inches

We’re the children of a great love, and a great hate. We’re the grandchildren of a great love, and a great hate. Our softness and our hardness are always at odds with those surfaces. We ask them to be kind and to be gentle, we tell ourselves to be kind and to be gentle. Our hands shake in the early evenings. They always shake in the early evenings.
inkjet with hand scratched text and uv laminate, framed
20 x 60 inches