I’ll Remember You as You Were, not as What You’ll Become
Total run time: 12:32
HD video, stereo, color

An elegy to Diane Burns on the shapes of mortality, and being, and the forms the transcendent spirit takes while descending upon landscapes of life and death. A place for new mythologies to syncopate with deterritorialized movement and song, reifying old routes of reincarnation. Where resignation gives hope for another opportunity, another form, for a return to the vicissitudes of the living and all their refractions.

“I’m from Oklahoma I ain’t got no one to call my own. 

If you will be my honey, I will be your sugar pie way hi ya

way ya hi ya way ya hi yo”

-Diane Burns (1957-2006)

Featuring: Diane Burns, Sarah Long, the Naimuma Powwow
Producing Advisor: Crystal Erlendson
Camera, Sound, Edit: Sky Hopinka
318 Present Joys as performed by the Sacred Heart Singers of Cork
Cantos Profundos performed by Ramiro Ramirez
Funded in Part by the 2015 Princess Grace Graduate Film Scholarship